Sharon White
STAND-UP: On next Tuesday, Mississippi voters will go to the polls to vote on Initiative 27 that says you will need one of these for the 2012 election...a photo identification card whether you are 19, 39 or 99.
VO: A Mississippi voter identification initiative will appear on the November 8, 2011 general election ballot in the state of Mississippi. The initiative would require a state identification at the polls. Jasmine Harris, president of the NAACP chapter will assist students to get the proper ID. State Representation Kelvin Buck says Initative 27 will create more problems.
SOUND BITE: (Jasmine Harris)
The NAACP chapter here plans on visitng local churches in order to inform everybody about the bill, contact as many students as we can that do not have valid driver licenses so that they can be able to sign up and register to vote.
SOUND BITE: (Kelvin Buck)
Well, as you know, we have a referendum on the ballot this time that is suppose to address the Voter ID and I think that it has a chance of passing. I plan to not vote for it and I think that there are many reasons why. But a couple of reasons, in particular, is that first of all Voter ID really won't solve any of the problems we are having that are pervasive when it comes to elections. And one will be the disfranchisement of senior citizens that have to go through these extra steps to try and get an ID, and in many cases, in the rural areas of the state they won't even have an opportunity right in their local community to do this. They would have to travel 30 or more miles to try and get this Voter ID or badge.
The other people we are concern about are the many students that come to Mississippi or live in Mississippi during the time that they are in college who would have to have some sort of ID other than the ID where they live. They are living in areas where they have been allowed to vote through some actsof the legislator some years ago. And these students will be disfranchised if this Voter ID bill passes.
STAND-UP/SOC: State Representative Kelvin Buck says he will vote "NO" on Initiative 27. I am Sharon White reporting for 271 TV News.
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